My name is Peb Ray Conrad II. The question addressed to me by most people I meet “is that your real name?” The name “Peb” originated in Indiana in the mid 1800’s. I was named for my grandfather who was born in Indiana so I always say it’s a “Hoosier” name. For myself, I’m a second-generation Angelino and reside in Torrance, CA. My wife of 50 years is Kathy and we have three children and six grandchildren.

My initial contact with Marshall Foster goes back to 1995 through a mutual friend. I felt a connection with Marshall immediately as being a Christian and having a special interest in American History with a B.A. degree in History.

With that said, my career path has been as a Tax Consultant since 1980 in addition to 7 plus year working with the IRS beginning in 1972.

I was engaged by Marshall to be his and Tricia’s Tax Consultant for 1995 tax filing which led to working with Mayflower Institute and, subsequently, World History Institute. Several years ago, Marshall asked me to join the Board of WHI. It has been a privilege to be a part of WHI and to call Marshall and Tricia a friend over these many years.